Parcel SafePlace Registration
Prezzo: Gratis /
Aggiungi al carrello
4.86 / 22 valutazione
You will need to register to access the Parcel SafePlace room in your residence.
As soon as a parcel is delivered you will be sent a SMS and email. Collect when you want, hassle free, 24/7.
When ordering online please specify Parcel SafePlace as your preferred safeplace location, so the delivery company know where to deliver your parcel.
As soon as a parcel is delivered you will be sent a SMS and email. Collect when you want, hassle free, 24/7.
When ordering online please specify Parcel SafePlace as your preferred safeplace location, so the delivery company know where to deliver your parcel.
Kings Chelsea
4.79 / 425 valutazione
Parcel SafePlace Registration
4.86 / 22 valutazione
Prezzo: Gratis